FOIA Requests

Please include the following and submit to [email protected]:


1. Identification of person requesting information:

    • Name (First and Last)
    • Email Address
    • Street Address
    • Phone Number

2. Additional information relating to organization. If this request is on behalf of a public body or a business, civic or other organization, please state the following:

    • Name (First and Last)
    • Street Address
    • Phone
    • Office or title within organization of person requesting information

3. Description of public records requested. Please describe the records requested with sufficient detail to allow DAA office personnel to determine whether such public record exists and to locate it within a reasonable time.

4. Specify documents of which copies are requested.

5. Will any part of the requested records be used in any form for sale, resale or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services?


For more information, please read the DuPage Airport Authority’s FOIA Ordinance.

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